
Generic reusable dropdown

Windmill dropdowns are completely accessible. As soon as you open it, you'll notice that the close first element of the dropdown is already focused. This is because the focus is traped inside the dropdown, so you can navigate with keyboard without the focus leaving the dialog.

Once it is closed, through a click or Esc key press, focus is restored to the element that opened the dropdown.


import { Dropdown, DropdownItem } from '@windmill/react-ui'


I think you'll understand better the following sections with a complete, contextualized example.

<Dropdown isOpen={true} onClose={() => {}}>
<DropdownItem tag="a" href="#" className="justify-between">
<Badge type="danger">13</Badge>
<DropdownItem onClick={() => alert('Alerts!')}>


There are two alignment options, applied by the align prop: left (default) and right.

It defines to which side the dropdown will be rendered. Note that it is absolute positioned to the parent element, so the parent must be relative positioned.

<Dropdown align="right" isOpen={true} onClose={() => {}}>
<DropdownItem tag="a" href="#" className="justify-between">
<Badge type="danger">13</Badge>
<DropdownItem onClick={() => alert('Alerts!')}>


The isOpen prop defines if the dropdown is visible.

<Dropdown isOpen={true} onClose={() => {}}>


The onClose prop is responsible for the function that will change the value of isOpen, closing the dropdown.

It is important that the close function sets isOpen to false, and not just toggle the value, to avoid opening the dropdown using Esc. See complete example below.
<Dropdown isOpen={true} onClose={() => {}}>

The DropdownItem is in fact a Button, styled differently and you're limited to the tag prop.

Note that every other prop, that is not part of the Button API exclusively, like onClick (things you would normally do in React) are still available.

Read more about Buttons.

<DropdownItem tag="a" href="#" className="justify-between">
<Badge type="danger">13</Badge>
<DropdownItem onClick={() => alert('Alerts!')}>

Complete example

This is what a complete example component looks like, with handlers, state, etc.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Dropdown, DropdownItem, Badge, Button } from '@windmill/react-ui'
function DropdownExample() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
function toggleDropdown() {
return (
<div className="relative">
<Button onClick={toggleDropdown} aria-label="Notifications" aria-haspopup="true">
Open dropdown
<Dropdown isOpen={isOpen} onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
<DropdownItem tag="a" href="#" className="justify-between">
<Badge type="danger">13</Badge>
<DropdownItem onClick={() => alert('Alerts!')}>
export default DropdownExample

Props overview

aligndefine the alignment of the dropdown, relative to it's parentleft, rightleft
isOpenrequired define if the dropdown is visibleboolean
onCloserequired closes the dropdownfunction


See Customization to learn how to change defaultTheme styles.